Senior League 3/23/2022 (Wed, March 23)
The tee sheet has not yet been released to the league portal.
Confirmed Players (58)
Bacon, Mike
Biggs, Colby
Brons, Glen
Caldwell, John
Crossett, Ken
Degnan, Bill
Diana, Ronnie
Etheridge, John
Freeman, Johnny
Futris, Telly
Gray, Gerald
Green, Alison
Hagerty, Ed
Hall, Dr. Ogle
Hamilton, Richard
Harker, Denney
Harrison, John
Heitz, Pat
Hermes, Ken
Hopkins, Mickey
Hughes, Steve
Jones, Howard
King, David
Lawson, Alan
Lindsay, Jim
Maguigan, Tim
McNair, John
Merkler, Pat
Mongold, Rich
Mote, Rick
Nunez, Luis
Oldham, Tom
Philpott, Wendell
Polk, John
Prather, Robert
Rary, Tony
Ray, David
Ray, Keith
Rhea, Mike
Rhea, Raymond
Ritthaler, Tobi
Robinson, Bob
Royer, Steve
Russell, Bill
Scoble, Kevin
Stacy, Jeff
Suedekum, Ron
Treutlein, Pete
Turner, Richard
Ua, Sam
Vazquez, William
Warden, Jim
Washer, Tom
Weigandt, Mike
Welborn, Steve
Welch, Bill
White, Leon
White, Steve